
Many states are opening up after the Covid-19 shutdown, information mill beginning to get employees to work, but with opening, you will find rules around bringing employees back.

As a good example, Michigan Governor, Gretchen Whitmer, recently sent an order, Executive Order 2021-97, to any or all business owners in Michigan. One of them order is the following:

Provide COVID-19 training to employees that covers, at least:

  1. Workplace infection-control practices.
  2. The proper utilization of personal protective equipment.
  3. Steps the employee must take to inform the company or operation of any the signs of COVID-19 or a suspected or confirmed proper diagnosis of COVID-19.
  4. How to report unsafe working conditions.

The above includes a large amount of work with both company and employee. Tools to help with these needs include:

CompanyTRAK may be the leading digital means to fix help with Self-Declaration, Social Distancing, Contact Tracing, and knowledge Collection. CompanyTRAK is helping companies bring their employees to work and provide a secure means of operating their business leveraging technology.

CompanyTRAK includes a daily “Self-Declaration” with customizable questions, a PPE list, and temperature input. This aids in understanding which employees are prepared for your day and that ought to go back home or work in other areas.

Data is securely encrypted and available through CT Portal. This portal enables assigned admins to set-up/geofence locations, manage users, run reports, and send broadcast messages. When a worker is exposed, self-reports as symptomatic, or positive, the admin is provided a notification and views all contacts the employee has had since adopting the solution.

CompanyTRAK helps companies bring their employees back safely while meeting regulations now. It offers a mobile app, web portal, and Bluetooth tags and scanners to help quickly and efficiently.

Tags : Education NowEngineering & Technology

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